This kind of surgery is performed by experienced european surgeons – Professors who have over 30 years of experience in this field which is the greatest guarantee for the successful surgical outcome.

Multifocal/trifocal implants/EDOF – presbyopia – „old age farsightedness“ – a step toward sharp vision

Lens exchange surgery-phacoemulsification provides comfortable cataract surgery. With choosing the optimal premium intraocular lens, by which a specific dioptric problem is solved, this surgery became inseparable part of refractive procedure. That means that the procedure itself is used without presence of cataract in order to correct diopter, at the age when accommodation is already absent (CLE – clear lens exchange).

Implantation of multifocal intraocular implants solves the problem of reading and distance correction, at the same time.

It is performed in local anaesthesia by eye drops, in duration of only several minutes, by minimal incision (2 mm), sutureless, in one day surgery, without staying in the hospital (out-patient). The both eyes are operated in one day, or day after day surgery (binocular surgery).

In the case of presence of preoperative astigmatism, today it is available to choose multifocal lens that simultaneously corrects the cylinder as well.

In case of young people who have cataract, it provides a possibility of „accommodation recovery“. Therefore, a young person who has cataracts, after surgery will lose accommodation, having to wear reading glasses. Multifocal implant will provide vision at distance and near, as well as intermediate distance, just like it was before the cataract.

If it is a case of very high nearsightedness, at presbyopic age, a very good choice is MONOVISION.


AT LISA tri (Zeiss)

AT LISA tri toric (Zeiss)

PanOptix (Alcon)

TECNIS Symphony EDOF (Abbott)

TECNIS Synergy EDOF (Johnson&Johnson Vision)