YAG laser capsulotomy

Modern cataract surgery involves replacement of biological lens with appropriate artificial intraocular implant, that at the same time solves refractive problem. Therefore, it presents a type of refractive surgery. Prerequisite for optimal result is to position implant in adequate place in capsular “bag“. Posterior part of that “bag“ is posterior lens capsule, that presents barrier toward vitreous (vitreous body).

In old surgical procedures, the lens was removed completely and those patients would remain without implant with “thick“ glasses.

Fortunately, this procedure is now “obsolete procedure“.

In past decades during cataract surgery intraocular lens is implanted to correct refractive error.

Posterior lens capsule presents eye stability and serves as support to newly implanted intraocular lens.

With new, high quality implants, clouding of posterior capsule occur seldom or long time after the cataract surgery ( 4-5 and more years after the surgery).

But, in some cases, usually in cases of old, “mature“ cataracts in advanced stage, this capsule often clouded already along with the lens.

When lens is removed, in these cases, in adult patient, YAG capsulotomy is planned in interval not shorter than 3 months after cataract surgery.

YAG laser makes minute opening in central visual axis, in exam room, lasting only several minutes.

If patients are children, YAG laser capsulotomy is not performed, instead surgical discission (opening) of posterior capsule is performed.

In case of younger people, with high myopia, diabetes and other metabolic diseases, or sistemic diseases, congenital cataract, posterior capsule can become cloudy shortly after cataract surgery.