European Board of Ophthalmology, EBO
Your Content Goes HereIt was founded in London in 1992, as an ophthalmological subspecialty group, within EUROPEAN UNION of medical specialists (EUMS).
THE AIM OF THIS BOARD IS SUPERVISION OF EUROPEAN STANDARDS IN EDUCATION IN OPHTHALMOLOGY, and improvement of quality of ophthalmic trainings, educations and practice among Europe, which means that the ophthalmologists who passed this exam are qualified to work in every European country.
Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology, FEBO
is the title given for outstanding achievements in clinical practice end education in ophthalmology.
Those who hold the FEBO title are highly certified for being international examiners and ophthalmologists of the world highest rank.
SPECIAL HOSPITAL SVETI VID in its team has just the ophthalmology professionals and examiners of the highest world rank, who hold these titles.
For more than 25 years, this institution has set the new contemporary standards in the field of domestic ophthalmology, bringing new approaches and treatments – both surgical and diagnostics, as well as education of staff, at the highest level in world, according to the requests of contemporary ophthalmology.
Prof. MUDr Pavel Rozsíval, CSc, FEBO

The department of refractive surgery, surgery in adults, and surgery of anterior segment, cataract and glaucoma is headed by Professor. Dr. Pavel Rozsival, Director of the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Charles University, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
President of the Czech Society of Ophthalmology for many years
Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Ministry of Health of Czech Republic
Member of leading international associations of ophthalmology, ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology), ISRS (International Society of Refractive Surgery)
Member of the Board of IIC-Intraocular Implant Club. Among his numerous awards are THE HONOUR OF EXCELLENCE i THE GREAT MIND IN Ophthalmology.
He is the author of several hundreds of professional papers published in prestigious professional journals, with more than 700 professional speeches at domestic and international congresses, now with more than 40,000 surgeries in the eye, cataract operations in most complex cases frequently on the boundary of inoperability, restoring visual function in his patients, glaucoma surgeries, intraocular lens implantations, corneal transplantations, corneal surgeries, applications of excimer laser in dioptre corrections and in corneal therapies, corneal cross linking procedures in keratoconus.
He is particularly known for his contributions to the development of ophthalmology in the world, for which he has received many awards.
International Biographical Centers of England and New York have assessed him as one of extraordinary people of XX and XXI centuries, and awarded him Decree of Merits for Outstanding Contribution to Developments in Ophthalmology and Achievements in Medical Advance.
He has been cited in several editions of Who’s Who in the World.
Among his numerous awards in the world for outstanding achievements and innovations in contemporary ophthalmology, he has won the first prize of the International Congress on Innovative Medicine.
Since the foundation of Special Hospital Sveti Vid, he has been a member of the team, having contributed to the development of supreme, leading ophthalmology in the heart of Belgrade.

Prof. MUDr Rudolf Autrata, PhD, MBA

The Pediatric Ophthalmology Department is led by Prof. Dr Rudolf Autrata, PhD, MBA
Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of the Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinic of the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
President of the Czech Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University in Brno.
Outstanding member of leading international associations for pediatric ophthalmology.
From the very beginnings, he has been dedicated to pediatrics and pediatric ophthalmology, with doctoral theses in the field of the application of excimer laser for therapeutic and refractive purposes in preschool children with the aim to reduce amblyopia. He is one of the first doctors in the world who have started pioneering work almost two decades ago, in the struggle against amblyopia in young children, in special cases that generated amblyopia. For his contribution to the development of pediatric ophthalmology in the world, he has been awarded many times with numerous world awards among which is the FIRST PRIZE for a years-long study of the application of excimer laser in preschool children in special indications, aimed at reducing amblyopia.
He has received 4 greatest European awards for his outstanding work, in Barcelona 2008, Rome 2005, Paris 2004 and in Belgrade in 2018.
Today, he is one of the most cited authors with several hundreds of publications in prestigious, high-indexed professional journals on the topic of pediatric eye problems and surgical solutions for different types of strabismus, scleroplasty surgery, congenital glaucoma, ptosis, tear duct surgery, refractive procedures in children, therapeutic procedures in the cornea (PTK, CCL) etc. In addition to the extraordinary significance of his work in the field of pediatric refractive surgery, Professor Dr. Rudolf Autrata, with his huge experience, solves in a superior manner various forms of complicated deviations of the eye (paralytic strabismus, strabismus in different syndromes, after tumor surgeries, etc.).
By joining the team of Sveti Vid, he has enabled the introduction of contemporary pediatric ophthalmology in this area, thus including Sveti Vid in the chain of few world pediatric highly specialized ophthalmology clinics that perform superior pediatric ophthalmology.
Professor – Consultant – Head of the Pediatric Ophthalmology Department of Special Hospital Sveti Vid, Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. Dr Bereczki Arpad

Vitreoretinal and refractive surgeon
Professor of Ophthalmology
Affiliated with the Department of Ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest
Member of the team of experts of SVETI VID HOSPITAL, Belgrade
An outstanding vitreoretinal surgeon with numerous publications in professional journals and noted presentations at international congresses on vitreoretinal surgery.
He deals with the problems of the retina and the vitreous body of the eye globe (vitreoretinal surgery), with a special interest in macular problems, performing extraordinary macular surgery.
His great work covers anterior segment surgery as well, especially cataract and refractive laser and lens implant surgery.
With his huge surgical experience he has achieved fantastic results in vitreomacular surgery and in solving macular problems, inoperable until recently (macular hole, macular pucker – epiretinal membrane, vitreomacular traction syndrome etc.).
He is among the first doctors in Europe who have started to apply minimally invasive vitreoretinal surgery with 25-gauge and 23-gauge instrumentation, meaning a special comfort for the patient: a vitreoretinal surgery without stitches, with fast recovery, resembling anterior segment surgery, and excellent postoperative results.
Working as an anterior segment surgeon as well as vitreoretinal surgeon, he is one of the first doctors who have started to apply combined surgery of cataract and vitrectomy (phaco-vitrectomy), which is particularly significant for solving the problems of diabetic retinopathies and cataracts, as a less invasive procedure using gas tamponade (one surgery), as well as silicon oil tamponade in advanced cases.
In severe cases of diabetic retinopathy, he applies bilateral vitreoretinal surgery, if necessary.
In the treatment of the macula he uses extensive diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, such as the performance of PDT therapy guided with 3D OCT monitoring, and the application of antiVEGF intravitreally, with excellent postoperative results.
He participates in educational programmes for vitreoretinal surgeons all over the world. Between September 1996 and May 1997 he worked at the Retina Department of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary at Harvard Medical School in Boston, where he was involved mainly in research regarding the mechanism of neovascularization.
He is a member of the Hungarian Medical Chamber and of the Hungarian Association of Ophthalmologists, European and American Society of Vitreoretinal surgeons (EU Retina, EVRS, AVRS), AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) etc.
He was the head of the Ophthalmology Department of “Petz Aladar” County Teaching Hospital, Győr Hungary. Affiliated professor of ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine at the Semmelweis University, Budapest.
He is a true member of the team of experts of Sveti Vid Hospital, Belgrade

Prof. Dr Jozsef Gyory

For more than 30 years working in ophthalmology. Especially devoted to posterior segment eye surgery – vitreoretinal and macular surgery and anterior segment surgery, as well – cataract surgery (phacoemulsification), refractive lens surgery (PC and Phakic IOLs), combined anterior and posterior eye surgery in one act – phacovitrectomy.
He insists on entirely studious approach and precise surgical procedure, in different cases of posterior segment impairments (retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, trauma of the eye, vitreomacular surgery,…).
For many years involved in research of retinal and macular disorders – medical retina. He is working on research and improvement of diagnostics and therapeutic procedures in solving macular impairments, which are not surgically treated.
During his long-lasting praxis, he has been working as assistant professor of ophthalmology on medical faculty on Semmelweis University in Budapest; as head of department of clinic of ophthalmology in Municipal Hospital of Veszprem, Hungary; as Senior Retinal Fellow in Sydney Eye Hospital, Australia.
He is working in Special Hospital SVETI VID.
Prof.Gyory is the author of numerous paper presentations of international congresses, publications in high-indexed ophthalmic magazines in the field of vitreoretinal, macular and cataract surgery.
He is a member of Hungarian Society of Ophthalmogists, Hungarian Medical Chamber, AAO-American Academy of Ophthalmology, American and European Society of Vitreoretinal Surgeons (AVRS, EVRS), European Retina Society (EURETINA) etc.

Prof. MUDr Pavel Studený, PhD, MHA

More than 25 years in ophthalmosurgery.
He is dedicated to the surgery of anterior chamber – corneal transplantation (lamellar and perforative), cataract surgery, refractive lens surgery (posterior chamber and phakic intraocular lenses), performing combined procedures of corneal transplantation and lens surgery in the same act.
For many years he is dedicated to the research of problems on cornea, as well as improvement of surgical procedures and finding out the finest solutions in corneal transplantation (endothelial) with smallest trauma for the eye, as well as enhancing surgical procedures in most difficult cases on anterior chamber of the eye, which were inoperable until now.
He is a Head of Ophthalmology Dep., 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles Universty, Prague.
He is a member of Czech Society of Ophthalmology and a board member of Czech Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
Member of leading international associations of ophthalmology, ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology).
Author of many publications in prestigious scientific journals, mostly about newest surgical procedures in endothelial corneal transplantation.

MUDr Martin Vaša, PhD

More than 25 years in ophthalmosurgery.
For many years he is dedicated to the surgery of anterior chamber – cataract surgery, refractive lens exchange surgery and miniinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS).
He is a member of European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS), Czech Ophthalmology Society, Czech Glaucoma Society and Czech Medical Chamber.
He is a co-owner of Eye hospital VISUS.
Author of many publications in eminent scientific journals, mostly about new techniques in cataract surgery, refractive lens and glaucoma surgery.
He has conducted a lot of scientific research together with Prof. Dr Pavel Rozsival, who is a member of special hospital SVETI VID for many years.

MD András Gyorgy Hári-Kovács, PhD
During the last 25 years he has been working in ophthalmology.
He has gained experience world-wide in performing wide range of surgical procedures, and is specially dedicated to posterior segment surgery (vitreoretinal and macular surgery), anterior segment surgery (cataract and refractive lens surgery - phacoemulsification), as well as combined anterior and posterior eye surgery – phacovitrectomy.
An outstanding vitreoretinal surgeon with studious approach and precise surgical procedure, in different and complicated cases of posterior segment impairments. Pars plana vitrectomy for retinal detachment, vitreous haemorrhage, diabetic retinopathy, dropped nucleus, eye injuries with or without foreign bodies, macular holes, epiretinal membranes etc. Scleral buckling for retinal detachment.
From 2004 to 2011 he was working in renowned medical centers in UK (South England and London).
For many years he has been working as a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Szeged.
Lately as the leading consultant of the Vitreoretinal Unit of the department, he supervises and supports younger colleagues and clinical fellows.
He is a member of Hungarian Medical Chamber, General Medical Council (GMC), Hungarian Ophthalmological Society, Hungarian Society of Pediatric Ophthalmologists, SHIOL (Societas Hungarica Ad Implantandam Oculi Lenticulam), EVRS (European Vitreoretinal Society) and SIDUO (Societas Internationalis pro Diagnostica Ultrasonica in Ophthalmologia).
Author of numerous publications in scientific journals and presentations at international symposia.
MUDr Roman Ondreička

Around 20 years in ophthalmosurgery.
Dedicated to the anterior segment surgery – refractive lens and cataract surgery and specially oriented to the corneal transplantation (lamellar and perforative keratoplasty), as well as combined surgery – cataract surgery with corneal transplantation in the same act.
Faculty of Medicine and Specialty in Ophthalmology done in Bratislava, and afterwards he gained experience in Eye clinic in Ostrava (Czech Republic), University Hospital in Trnava (Slovakia) and in
The Eye Microsurgery Center (CMO - Centrum mikrochirurgie oka) in Bratislava.
From 2013-2017. he was a Medical Head of Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty Hospital in Trnava.
He is a Medical Head of CMO Bratislava, with the highest number of performed lamellar corneal transplantations in Slovakia (250 per year).
Very devoted surgeon with comprehensive medical and surgical approach. Very educated and skilled for very delicate and sensitive lamellar corneal procedures.
In SVETI VID works in team with Prof. Dr Pavel Studeny, who was his teacher.
He is a member of Slovak Ophthalmological Society and Czech Society of Refractive and Cataract Surgery.